We’re laying the social and financial groundwork of a decentralized web.

Support for Web3 through research, funding, and advocacy.

A trusted cryptocurrency for independent, autonomous projects.

Financial and digital autonomy. We’re taking back our web, our data, our futures.





Register to join our growing Dyme Network! Become an Insider.

Our mission is to build the decentralized web through community and self-determined governance. We believe in data autonomy for social and financial freedom.

Our passion is delivering Web3 and disrupting the status quo. We’re developing the decentralized web for fair internet, where users control their data, influence, and destiny.


Our mission is to build the decentralized web through community and self-determined governance. We believe in data autonomy for social and financial freedom.

Our passion is delivering Web3 and disrupting the status quo. We’re developing the decentralized web for fair internet, where users control their data, influence, and destiny.

Dyme believes in an internet where:

Data autonomy for users,
not corporations

Self-determination through fair
and transparent governance

Decentralized exchange
of information and value

Financial self-determination
for token holders

Enhanced participation
and collaboration

User-driven governance for the many rather than the few.

Web3 means a decentralized and fair internet.

Our network provides token holders a vote for their futures. Users are taking control of their data, influence, and destiny. The Dyme Network provides a decentralized, fair protocol where you drive your future.

Powering the Dyme Network


We’re democratizing blockchain technologies by providing users with data and financial autonomy. With one wallet, one vote, DYME holders drive the protocol and control their fortune and their destiny.


In the Dyme community, game theory incentivizes rational action. Self-determination means we’re all here to win.


With governance in the hands of the community, our blockchain network aligns self-determination with individual and social growth. Each token is a vote and building block for financial futures.


Take control of your data and financial autonomy, join the Dyme Network.